MBTI Physiognomy and Cover
03:57Back in 2009 or so, there was an online test on OkCupid for determining MBTI types through facial features. There are some blogs online today that showcase multiple pictures that seem to have multiple people per picture having the same personality type.
Mistyping MBTI is definitely not unheard of. Youtube user DaveSuperPowers has many videos explaining MBTI cognitive functions and their collective roles in their respective personality titles. One example is Bill Gates being mistyped as an ENTJ when he looks like a disinterested nerd (INTP):
DaveSuperPowers has a few videos mentioning Bill Gates on how he takes information in and how he speaks it out, implying as if there were some intended pause (Introverted Thinking) and how Bill Gates sometimes speaks with an animated face (Extraverted Feeling).
It has been overly said that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but a book's front and back cover is technically one in the same.
Surely one instance of a picture definitely isn't enough to type a person accurately, but when your book cover could include instagram and facebook photos; interviews; and hopefully a lot of snapchat, then it's a bit easier to work with. Only thing left is to make definitions on what MBTI functions should look and sound like in real life to ultimately make an informed guess on their personality type - but it's just a thought.
In the near future, I will cover some personality types for people that have been misunderstood and left out to be misjudged for the world to see while expanding on typing MBTI through observation. They need some justice too.